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जुलाई, 2017 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Oppenheimer and his inspiration

'Bhagvat-Gita' scriptur         "I have always been curious to know the inspiration behind those brains of key nuclear physicist, working in the 'Manhattan Project' in 1945, resulting in nuclear bomb then code named 'Gadget'.         And here comes a book, from the 'Hindu' scripture 'Bhagavat-Gita', which 'Oppenheimer' quoted before and after the 'Trinity test', many a time.         Hard it is to conclude if the 'Gita' was/is a book inspiring for a decisive fight against enemy or a truce resulting after the war of such a ferocious magnitude.         What an irony, the war referred in this scripture was finally fought with 'Brahmastra', a name in 'Sanskrit', believed to be a nuclear weapon of that time."  --Author  July 16th:  Every year this date reminds us about first nuclear detonation, code named Trinity (assigned by Oppenheimer), tested successfully in 1945 on th